David Bendeich: Technical Sales Coordinator » ovesco
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David Bendeich: Technical Sales Coordinator

12 April 2021 David Bendeich: Technical Sales Coordinator

We enjoy showcasing our talented staff here at Ovesco. There is a great wealth of experience and knowledge and one of those talented staff members is David Bendeich. We asked him a few questions about his time with Ovesco and his life outside of work.

How long have you been at ovesco? What is your role at ovesco? And what other roles have you had here?

I’ve been in my current role as Technical Sales coordinator for Tooling and Fasteners since November 2020. Prior to a 3 year break, I had been with Ovesco for over 14 years in a sales and marketing role.


What is your favourite/ fun/ interesting part of your job here?

The interesting and satisfying part of my job is the unique range of fasteners and tooling we provide to customers as a complete solution package. We supply product sales, tooling hire and service to a diverse range of client from the mining, rail, truck and bus building and maintenance markets. I’m always curious to learn new applications where our customer can benefit from our products.


When you’re not at work, where could we find you?

Currently a lot of my weekends are taken up with riding off road trails with my son on our motorbikes. Our registered bikes enable us to visit state forests and national parks and get away from the hustle and bustle.


So tell us something that we might not know about you?

In 2002 my wife and I quit work and travelled around Australia for 12 months in a caravan towed by a Nissan 4WD. About 5 months into the trip my wife fell pregnant with our first child, Amy. We kept travelling and visited every state and territory except Queensland and Tasmania. Had we not had a baby on the way we probably would have kept travelling longer and found casual work as we did.


Where were you born? Anything interesting from your child hood?

I’m a local Maitland born person and have lived in the Hunter Valley region all of my life, apart from 4 years spent in Sydney with work commitments.


What other hidden skills and talents do you have?

At the age of 14 I started playing keyboards in working bands. Playing mainly Rock & Pop music in Pubs and Clubs around the Hunter Valley which continued for 20 years. Having been there and done that, I don’t have any interest in returning to the music world, but do have many great memories.


What 3 words best describe you?

Honest, reliable and detailed.


Simon Gibb Customer Service Manager

By Simon Gibb

Customer Service Manager - ovesco

As the Customer Service Manager at Ovesco, Simon Gibb oversees store and warehouse operations, focusing on maximising efficiencies to ensure smooth operations. Simon's area of specialty lies in customer service and problem-solving, where he excels in providing effective solutions to meet customer needs.

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